Climate Circles
What are Climate Circles for?
Climate circles are for the overwhelming emotions and feelings that arise when we read the news and/or deal with climate changes. In everyday life, there is hardly any room for all these feelings – often not at home, with friends and family, nor at work. We can quickly feel all alone.
inabel and One Resilient Earth invite you to online and offline “Climate Circles”. In this courageous and supportive space, we encourage you to recognize these feelings and share them. We create spaces where we can talk openly about the injustice, exhaustion, frustration and sadness that we experience as people. In the same way, we celebrate moments of joy, resonance, togetherness and inspiring experiences.
Inspired by the practice of Indigenous Talking Circles, the circle is based on the following principles:
- Creating a space for deep listening and being heard
- Invitation for expression through simple creative practices (optional)
- Equal appreciation of all voices
- Telling stories and sharing experiences
- Formation of mutual understanding, respect and support
- Appreciation of the gifts, knowledge, talents and experiences of each individual
- Building community
Who can participate?
The Climate Circles are offered to everyone, free of charge. Please contact inabel with any accessibility needs at: care@healingisgiving.com
Who will host the Climate Circles?
Climate Circle host, inabel Uytiepo (they/siya), is a queer, transidisciplinary healing artist via Healing is Giving. inabel will facilitate via the format of Climate Circles developed and sponsored by One Resilient Earth.
When and Where?
Online – Climate Circles
Weekly, Fridays on Zoom at 3:00 pm-4:00 pm Pacific Time
Register here for circles here.
(Or Copy and Paste the following link in your internet browser:
Drop ins are welcome.
The Climate Circles are peer-support spaces dedicated to emotions felt in relation to the climate crisis and to climate action. Climate Circle hosts do not provide health care, medical care or therapy services, nor do they attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent and/or cure any physical, mental or emotional issues. The information provided by the Climate Circle Host is for informational and educational purposes only: it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider. Participants should always seek advice from their own Medical or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns they have about their own health. Participants should not disregard medical advice, delay seeking medical advice or start or stop taking medication because of their participation in the climate circle or because of information that was shared by the Climate Circle host. If participants suspect they have a medical or mental health problem, they should contact their Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly.